It inspired me to write.
I’m confused.
I’ve got it really good.
Like really good. Life in sobriety when working a program is amazing (there goes my anonymity).
But it’s not enough.
I want more.
Work is fantastic, but I want more challenge.
My family loves me, but I want more attention.
My boyfriend is amazing, but I want more from him.
The only thing I seem to be really satisfied with are my amazing, wonderful, gorgeous, caring girlfriends. But even that being said, I am rekindling some old friendships to see what they can turn into.
What is wrong with me?
A friend told me last night “follow your heart, not your ego – it gets in the way of what we truly want.” And I love that. Like, going to get it tattooed on the back of my hand I love it so much (not really).
I just don’t understand WHY I always want more. Am I that entitled that I feel I deserve more? Am I blind to the blessing’s in my life so I don’t see them?
Or am I just ignorant to God’s grace and love, and I turn my back on it to look for the next high?
I pick fights, cause chaos, and over react, JUST for the reaction it gets. I make a big deal out of little things – like not getting flowers – because it makes me feel important to have feelings. Just the other day, I cried over something not worth tears because I thought it would make me more in control of the situation…it didn’t. I spend money on things I don’t need (though I am getting better) because it makes me feel better temporarily.
I guess this means I have a low EQ because I am attention seeking. “People with low EQ often have low self esteem, poor self confidence, and thus feels insecure.” - Oh lovely, I’m a freak. An emotionally retarded, insecure, freak.
But guess what? I am okay with it. I pray and do the things suggested and things are turning out pretty good. Great actually. It is too bad that my glasses are tinted so dark that I can’t see that, but I have a great deal of faith that I will get there. And besides, what is wrong with wanting MORE?
If you are interested in the test, it can be found at
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